OS Trig Pillars Map
Britain and Ireland Trig Pillars Map
This is a map of the OS trig pillars in Britain and Ireland, sourced from TrigpointingUK. Use the layers control to filter which condition(s) of trig you wish to see. The categories are fairly self explanatory - my reading of "Converted" is that it was a pillar that has been converted to a different type of survey monument, e.g. a buried block. "Unknown" and "Not logged" are few in number for pillars, so don't worry too much about those. I've had some trouble with some of the trig points (on Ireland and the Channel Islands mainly), as the library I use to convert between the OS grid reference and latitude and longitude throws an error for trig points there as some locations are outside the British Ordnance Survey's main national grid. For interest, these outlying trigs are linked at the foot of the page.
Condition Key:
Good, Moved, Slightly Damaged;
Unreachable but visible, Damaged, Toppled;
Remains, Possibly missing;
Destroyed, Converted, Not logged, Unknown
Trig data collected 2023-12-18 9:35 am
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